Thursday 8 March 2012

Been having major 'what on earth should I do for my exhibition piece' headache after talking to one of my tutors the other day, well yesterday actually (no concept of days at the moment), and she basically told me what I was thinking of doing wouldn't be a good idea. Not because it was a horrible idea, just because it would take so much risk and time to get it perfect, and if something went wrong it would look like I'd just chucked it together, instead of all the time I would of put into it. Basically if you've looked at my recent work on Lovely Things, you'll see I've been working with magazines so paper. And my tutor has been saying I should do a wall piece, but I'm not really into making just 'gallery' pieces? I like to make things that are functional yet maybe not too practical?
So, I wanted to make a old-fashioned shape lampshade, made out of modern, gossip magazines that had been worked into and loose thread all hanging down and in head my head it looks pretty amazing. BUT, due to the time scale and how much more work it would be for it to maybe not look right, I have decided to take the wall 'gallery' route. I've got some cool ideas brewing in my head, and some of them looks pretty cool. So maybe all is not lost, and maybe next year I can work towards making things that are functional.
Not too sure why I've decided to say all this, just needed to blerghhhh it at something I guess. Which is just how I'm feeling generally at the moment. Just hope I can get something together and get it right, as kind of feel I'm just putting my foot in things at the moment. But woah, super long blah blah blah blog post. Been a while since I wrote one of those. Laters taters.

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