Sunday 29 April 2012

Post-Hand In To-Dos

I've got just over a week to get all this project's back-up done and dusted before this years final hand in. And its all still pretty jumbled in my head of what I still actually have to get done, due to thinking about all the stuff I want to get done over the summer! Which I'm rather more interested in now the exhibition is all over. So here's what I want to do:

- Play around with themes for my final major project, looking at things that interest me or things I'm use to being around due to something my family are into. Things like that, as I think this is a good starting ground. However, I don't want to get a final idea into place too early. As this year I feel that my two worse projects were down to knowing exactly what I wanted to do or knowing exactly how I wanted to look. Just throwing out ideas and seeing what sticks is a much better why of working.

- Completely re-vamp work blog. I feel its too jumbled up and disjointed, and part of me really didn't want to put it on my business cards, but where else did I have to send any punters? As much as I love the random little crafty bits I do and I love the degree work I do, I don't feel they belong in the same place. Both big parts of how I work though. So I've been chatting to my brother about this and he says he has a solution to it that he'd be happy to help to with. So now I'm dead excited about this!

- Keep working. And I don't mean in a dull way. Last summer I felt I just completely stopped doing work, thinking about anything slightly uni related. Including crafty bits. So I feel this year I haven't worked to the best of my ability because its taken so long to get the ball rolling again. So my general plan is to not stop that ball rolling, just slow down the speed its rolling at to a more relaxed pace.

- Look for things. This one came about today, from hearing all the brilliant things my cousin is doing related to his interest in graffiti art, most of which he's found from looking around on the internet and emailing people simply on the off chance. Which I think is just amazing. Because really, what is the harm in asking or having a go? None! They can only say no.

- Working on a brand scheme. I've got a year until the real world begins, and I need to make a stamp for my work. And decide what makes it mine. Labels, logos and colour schemes. All I can say is... I feel so lucky to have two brothers who know about this stuff to a tee!

So my first plan of act is to do the following: Buy an A5 Moleskine and pack of fine line felt tips and get writing down and drawing out any idea that crosses my mind.

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